Fit Stella is a lot like Flat Stanley (if you've ever heard of him) only she's a "she" and she works out more. She also loves healthy snacks.
Stella loves nectarines. |
She also loves Eggbeaters. |
Move over, Statue of Liberty, my 5 year old is now crushin' on Fit Stella! He's already given her his baseball card.
He struts by her all macho-like and he talks about her (and to her) like she's a real "she." I've already warned him that Fit Stella likes to travel and will be going pretty soon to someone else's house but I don't think he's actually prepared for that. He's already too attached. (I have now seen it all.)
They wonder about how Fit Stella was made and I explained she was colored in by another 5 year old nicknamed "Tornado," and that was really special. It's one thing to be told about healthy eating from mom, but from your peers and from a little plastic girl named Stella, it's a whole 'nother story.
After our healthy breakfast yesterday, Fit Stella had a swim lesson. She loves the water.
Today she's going to the beach.
I will post more pictures of our adventures with Stella before she begins her globetrotting. The only thing is, I don't know who to send her to next!
How do I even decide?
(If you're interested in being the next participant, leave me a comment mkay?) And if you want to read more about the Fit Stella (and Fit Stanley) project, head on over to Miz's place!
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