I'm talking about MY ROAD ID.
This little gem is part fashion, part lifesaver. A Road ID is a little engravable ID that fits into a wrist or ankle bracelet or attaches onto a shoe. It has your name, your emergency contact info, your allergies, part of your address and even a line where you can have a saying or quote on it, which I do, my mantra: "Strength, Focus, Discipline."
I have both a wrist bracelet and an ankle bracelet and you can take the little engraved plate out of one and put it into the other; they're interchangeable. But I usually wear mine on my ankle, I like it better there. And I recently discovered yet another use for it -- you can use it as the bracelet for your timing chip in a triathlon! Instead of the sweaty old bracelet that has been used by hundreds of athletes before you! The chip slips right through the band and it's actually more secure than the ones the race gives you! So you can have that little nugget of info!
Road IDs come in every color of the rainbow but honestly, the reason I love it so much is because when I was reading about Road IDs, one thing stuck with me.
It happens. It happens every day and it happens to people we know. We need to be able to be identified, we need to be able to have someone help us, to notify our families, and Road ID does this. You need this information with you and it's much easier than carrying your driver's license (which has no phone numbers on it anyway!)
There are 28 pages of testimonials on the Road ID website from people who found themselves in a situation that would have been much worse without one. 28 PAGES. I spoke with one of the founders of Road ID on the phone, Mike Wimmer, and you can just hear the passion in his voice for what they do with Road ID.
I have a Road ID. My husband has one. My dad has one. My entire tri-group has one. If you're headed out the house to excercise, you need one.
Today you can win one!
This is a 24 hour giveaway and here are the rules:
- Leave me a comment here about whether or not you've ever faced a "situation" in which you could have used this.
- For another entry, follow me here at Average Moms Wear Capes!
- For another entry, tweet or blog about the giveaway and leave the link in the comments! Whichever one. I'm not picky.
Um, I hike and ride my bike by myself...5 times a week. Only once have I felt not safe though, but I'm with you, I need one of these.
Blogger just ate my comment. Bastard.
Anyhoo. T has one. Currently it's not on his shoe, but it will be when he gets back in town. Never put it on his new pair. I never needed one before as I did 99.9% of my running on the treadmill at home, but now? I could totally use one. Heck I've got a 12-miler coming up next Saturday and I'm leaving the empty house at oh-dark-hundred to get it done.
tweet tweet! http://twitter.com/girlsworld/status/20194526860
And I totally follow you, girl. All the way to Disney and back! :)
I don't have one and really should because I do a lot of my long runs on trails or the canal close to my house... almost always ALONE. Sometimes I forget to bring my license, so a nifty Road ID would be great!
I haven't needed on yet...also don't have one (don't yell at me!!). Usually I'm biking with my husband, but I did do a 32 mile ride a couple weeks ago by myself.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/airynothing/status/20195396697
Oh, and I'm following you.
Loyal follower! Did I tell you TODAY, how much I love the new site?!?! Love it!
Well, I run alone, so I guess I do need something like that. Never thought of it!
I already follow you. Do I get an extra entry anyway? :-)
I've never been in a situation where I needed a RoadID, but I still want to have one. Mostly, I run with my husband... but it would be nice to have something like this for the times when I don't.
I'm already following you... does that still count?
Tweet: http://twitter.com/SkinnySushi/status/20212782180
I run on a trail system that's usually pretty populated and I feel safe, but every now and then it gets really deserted and I get creeped out. I think, someone could grab me and noone would know. I don't carry ID with me either (stupid, but where am I going to put it?). I don't run or bike on the road because I worked for a rehabilitation hospital for years and I'm paranoid about getting hit by a car and ending up with a brain injury. If I don't win a road ID, I need to just break down and buy one.
Tweet Tweet http://twitter.com/barif0815/status/20213754653
I follow you around like a little lost puppy, or a small child. :)
Would love to have one of these.. it's on my list of things to eventually get. I just hope eventually isn't too late.
I follow.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/debc65/status/20214349109
thankfully no. but i've already emailed the mutant and my sister telling them i want one of these for my marathon training if i don't win it.
i'm a follower! :)
tweeted. i think this is the link. i'm ignorant about permalinks in twitter.
There have been a few situations where I could use a Road ID. Once in a blue moon I run with Brooke. On the long runs when she leaves me in the dust and I'm practically keeled over on the side of the road it would be nice for a passing by motorist to locate me and know where to drive me back home if I were incoherent. Also, being a "mutant" it would be useful to have my medical information on there!
Tweety tweet tweet! http://twitter.com/KidCancerNurse/status/20198995493
I have a few dogs around my development that may ravage me while I'm out exercising, so it would probably be awesome to help ID my body.
Follow you!
Tweeeeeeeeeeet! http://twitter.com/LissaJoy/status/20225564083
Is that Jay really commenting up there or is it Brooke disguised as the mutant? ;p
Disregard the last question. I just read the whole comment. FILARIOUS.
I just learned about Road ID yesterday and I almost ordered one. I haven't come across a situation of needing one yet but in Utah we have so many runners and cyclist that get hit by cars. It is a great idea to carry one.
Tweet! http://twitter.com/shepdogg_ut/status/20226565821
I'm a follower.
I go out with my dog every day, and neither of us ever carries any ID. So far (knock wood) we haven't needed any, but it does cross my mind ever so often that we both really ought to have *something* on us...just in case. This would be GREAT!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I'm following via GFC!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I tweeted!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Knock on wood, I have not been in a situation where I could have used one. But I would rather have one and never need than not have one and need it.
I'm a scardy cat and only run in my neighborhood for now, but if I ever venture out onto the walking trail, this would be great!
I tweeted:
I already follow, like a puppy. But not quite so tiny or hairy or incontinent (thank goodness).
Aw, how cute! SuperBoo's MutantMan commented, too! :-)
I could definitely use one of these. I usually carry my phone or a piece of paper in my pocket with this info (with phone, I have an image with my emergency info that displays before you need to type the password to access). But a RoadID would be even better, especially since I bike on streets and highways that allow bikes, not just bike trails.
I've never even heard of this before!!! BUT I'm brand new to running and I'm definitely thinking this would be an AWESOME and important safety precaution!
There have been a few times where cars are at a stop sign, looking the other way, and forget to look both ways. I've yelled at quite a few cars. I need one of these! It's just stupid that I don't have one yet. These things are amazing!
I follow you - here, on FB and on twitter... but I'm not a stalker, I swear! (unless you like that kind of thing!) hee hee
I tweeted!
Ok while not ever having encountered the need for this while exercising, it would've been handy in a car accident several years ago when I was so disoriented I didn't even know my name.
Of course I follow you, hooker! You're one of my favorite peeps! ;)
Tweet! https://twitter.com/seemamarun/status/20269891319
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